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NSW Arya Samaj


The Soul

Many times, there is a fire that is lit. Initially, it blazes, but when fuel is not supplied, the fire gradually dies down and lies hidden beneath hot ashes. As soon as oil is poured, the fire blazes again.

The Soul is like fire. Many times, the Soul cannot be perceived, and they say that a person is spiritless. When spiritless, he has no conviction in his voice, no sparkle of enthusiasm in his eyes; he is unmotivated, lethargic, and so, inactive. As soon as a person gets engaged in productive activity, the Soul begins to 'blaze' and shine extensively. When he breathes rhythmically, eats wisely, reads wisdom intently and listens to people's problems patiently, communicates wisdom to them effectively, opens his hand graciously to pat in commendation, to give charity and to embrace those who live in frustration, fear and despair, then he, the Soul, awakens and shines extensively! People flock to be near to him; they want to touch the helm of his coat, and to hold his hand to be led to a desired destination.

Such a Soul now becomes a 'god-man'.


Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam - Make This World Noble

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