One complete cycle of creation is made up of 4.32 billion years broken down into fourteen Manu Ages [Manwantar]. Each Manu Age is broken down into 71 Super Ages [Chatur Yugi]. Each Super Age is again broken down into the four Ages of Sat [Krita], Tretaa, Dwaapar and Kali Ages.
We are currently in the 28th Kali Age of the 7th Manu Age. More than 1.9 billion years of this current 7th Manu Age have passed. In the beginning of this cycle, a large number of humans and animals of all kinds were created asexually in what is called modern-day Tibet. There was no injustice in the choice of which souls were to be created either human or animal, because it all resulted from actions [Karma] incurred in a previous cycle. Every soul [human and animal] was born in youthful bodies and without differences. But soon, a differentiation occurred because of choices in Karma, and consequently, two principal groups of humans came into existence – the Aryas and the Dasyus. Wise, noble people of high-quality actions were called Arya and people whose actions were low-quality were called Dasyu. With the gradual development of hostility between Aryas and Dasyus, the Aryas migrated to what they saw to be the best land mass in the world – the area of land between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas [both mountain ranges], bordered by the Sindhu [Indus] in the west and the Brahmaputra in the east [both rivers]. Because the Aryas were the first to inhabit this land mass, it was called Aryavarta [ancient India].
This is the argument that Rishi Dayananda used to reject the theory that Aryas came from Central Asia or the Middle East into a country already settled by dark-skinned savages, a theory first propounded by western orientalists.