Woman Is Beauty Incarnate – 9:26
In a home, there is no distinction between Stree (woman) and Shree (beauty, wealth, and fortune) because she gives birth to children, secures many blessings, is worthy of honor and is the light within the home.
[No Distinction: A home does not look attractive without beauty, wealth and fortune. In the same way a home has no attraction without the presence of a woman.]
Woman Holds Together The Home – 9:27
The wife at home is visibly the supporting linchpin that holds together all home activities like giving birth to children, taking care of them after they are born, and overseeing the daily affairs of the family.
[Linchpin: It passes through the end of an axle to keep a wheel in position. Woman is the linchpin that ensures continued existence and survival for the family.]
Home Depends On Woman – 9:28
Children, religious rites, faithful service, highest conjugal love, heavenly bliss for oneself and one’s [parents, grandparents and other] old folks – all these are dependent on [the presence of] one’s wife alone.