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NSW Arya Samaj


Manu Smriti - Guru

Alpam waa bahu waa yasya

Shrutasyo’pa-karoti yaḥ

Tam apee’ha gurum vidyaat

Shruto’pa-kriyayaa tayaa – 2:149

Anyone who assists us in acquiring [an amount of] knowledge, be it little or much, must be acknowledged in this life as our Guru in recognition of that assistance with knowledge. In other words, there is no one to acknowledge as Guru if there is no transmission of knowledge from teacher to student. Guru is not a god-father.

Braahmasya janmanaḥ kartaa

Swadharmasya cha shaasitaa

Baalo’pi vipro vṛiddhasya

Pitaa bhawati dharmataḥ – 2:150

If a scholar, even though younger in age, brings about the Vedic [second] birth of an older individual and trains him in the performance of his religious duties, he, the younger, becomes the father of the older by Dharmic law. It is the ability to transmit knowledge that determines who a Guru is. Age is not a determinant of Guru status.


Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam - Make This World Noble

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