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NSW Arya Samaj


Manu Smriti - Giving Gifts

Sarve-ṣhaam api daanaa-naam

Brahma daanam vishiṣhyate

Vaary’anna go mahee vaasaḥ

Tila kaañchana sarpiṣhaam – 4:233

The gift of knowledge surpasses all other gifts – be it water, food, cows, land, clothes, sesame, gold, or clarified butter.

Yena yena tu bhaawena

Yad yad daanam prayach-chhati

Tat tat tenai’va bhaawena

Praa’pnoti prati poojitaḥ – 4:234

We give gifts with a certain sentiment [of nobility]. In return, we are honored by obtaining that very gift with the same [noble] sentiment.

Yo’rchitam prati-grih-ṇaati

Dadaatya’rchitam eva cha

Taav-ubhau gach-chhataḥ swargam

Narakam tu viparyaye – 4:235

When one person respectfully receives a gift, and another respectfully gives a gift, then both the receiver and giver experience bliss. When the opposite happens, they both experience agony.

Na vismayeta tapasaa

Vaded ishtwaa cha naanritam

Naa’rtto’pya-pa-vaded vipraan

Na dattwaa pari-keertayet – 4:236

Let him not boast, nor be proud, about his austerities; let him not utter a false statement after he has performed a Vedic ritual; even though he feels tormented by them, let him not condemn teachers of knowledge; let him not brag about a gift he has given.


Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam - Make This World Noble

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