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NSW Arya Samaj


Manu Smriti - Caste

śūdro brāhmaṇatāmeti brāhmaṇaścaiti śūdratām |

kṣatriyāj jātamevaṃ tu vidyād vaiśyāt tathaiva ca – 10:65

[Through knowledge-based actions] a Shudra attains the rank of a Brahmin, and [through actions not rooted in knowledge], a Brahmin sinks to the level of a Shudra. Let it be known that it is the same with regard to children born from a Kshatriya and a Vaishya.

[Children: This verse makes it pellucidly clear that no one remains within the caste of their parents. Vocational calling and profession determine one’s caste.]


Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam - Make This World Noble

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